Hasbrouck, Hasbrook, Hasbrooke, HasBrook, HasBrouck, Hasbroek
Though the name is spelled in a variety of ways, it is accepted that virtually all Hasbrouck’s in America are descended from the brothers Jean and Abraham, French Huguenots, who both arrived in America in the early 1670’s. The stone houses their families built in 1721 still stand on Huguenot Street in New Paltz, NY. 2021 marks the 300th Anniversary of the houses’ construction!
The Organization: The Hasbrouck Family Association (HFA) was founded in 1957. Its primary goals were the purchase of the Abraham Hasbrouck House and the documentation of family history. (The Jean Hasbrouck House already belonged to the Huguenot Historical Society, with which HFA is affiliated.) The Association now has a membership of about 300. It holds an annual gathering in New Paltz and publishes a newsletter that addresses items of common interest regarding the houses and our heritage, as well as topics submitted or requested by members. It also solicits, maintains, and makes available family genealogy information, as well as historical information. If you are a Hasbrouck descendent and not already a member of HFA, you can join today by selecting the ‘Become A Member’ button to the right.
Genealogy: Kenneth E. Hasbrouck, Sr. devoted more than 45 years to documenting the brothers’ lines of descent. The results of his efforts are published in The Hasbrouck Family In America, Volumes I-VI, including European background in Volumes I & II. In the Preface of Volumes I & II, Kenneth wrote: “Our ancestors, the brothers Jean and Abraham, who married the sisters Anna and Maria Deyo, were indeed individualists! Jean was the eldest, a devout man, quiet, steadfast, firm in his convictions, home-loving and a very good business man. He was content to dwell in simplicity and did not seek public office. His brother Abraham was more socially inclined……. He was an army man with many acquaintances. He accepted positions that took him among the Dutch and away from home. Both brothers had a high regard for learning and family unity. It is interesting to note that some of the characteristics of the brothers have come down to this very day.”