The urgently needed roof replacement seemed to be at hand last year when HHS fund raising for the project (with HFA member participation) topped $200,000, sufficient to proceed. But it ran into complications when rot was discovered at the ends of many underlying rafters. Then an examination of the frame of the house revealed structural problems. Timber framing experts were excited to work on the structure, whose overall size and large, steep roof they reported to be “unique in all of North America.” They stabilized the structure this summer, but the cost of the whole project has now escalated to over $300,000, leaving a $100,000 funding gap. But good news has just arrived! Per HHS Executive Director Liselle LaFrance: “I’m very pleased to report that New York State Senator John Bonacic has secured $100,000 through the State and Municipal Facilities Capital Program for the Jean Hasbrouck House roof restoration. The grant will be administered through the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY), and with other funding, we anticipate that the project can be completed. The only challenge remaining is shepherding the paperwork through the contracting process. The Senator’s office will work with HHS to publicize the grant at the appropriate time. Again, we appreciate HFA’s investment in the project, and we are very happy that we have crossed the fund raising finish line.” So we’re hopeful that we’ll be showing the new roof in our next newsletter.